Whisper of a Promise (Promise 1)


“One of the major consequences of sin upon human nature is highlighted in this passage. Sin has resulted in mankind’s basic unwillingness to admit guilt, to accept responsibility for actions and to abide by penalties for sin… It does not appear to be a learned trait, but rather one that is endemic to the fallen human nature. This does not mean that mankind will always respond this way, but they have a penchant to do so, a strong and continuing inclination to that behaviour. It is only by God’s common grace that humans do not act this way all the time. (John Currid) This lack of accountability and lack of responsibility shows up in our lives all the time, shows up in our relationships and families and in our culture.  And we quickly and easily forget even as believers how by our actions we show the root nature of the falleness of our very beings, but it’s not over, because then comes the whisper of the promise.” (20:37)

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The Promise of an Enduring God (Promise 2)